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Stadt Coburg

Holiday Pass

Oberfränkisches Textilmuseum (Textile Museum) Helmbrechts

Aything but boredom – holiday fun at the textile museum

For children from the age of 6 years, always from 02:00 pm - 04:00 pm
Price for each course €3.00 plus material costs


Deco branch for your room
Using a branch and a lot of colorful strings we create a cool decoration object for your room.


A stick horse for a race
An old sock turns into a horsie.


A torch for your garden or balcony
With wire and wool we create a torch mount.


Nothing gets lost with a pinboard
Create your personal pin board for your reminders.


Snails for home and garden
These snails are one of a kind. They brighten up you home and garden and don't do any harm.


A frisbee is a great throwing game
We're making our own frisbee with canvas and some paint.

Please register for each event by phone or email.